71 Latest Exciting Millennials on Social Media Statistics You Need to Know In 2024

Millennials on Social Media Statistics

Discover the latest millennials on social media statistics;

As the largest living generation, Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) have become a cornerstone for businesses and marketers. With their estimated $2.5 trillion in spending power, they’re not just consumers but cultural influencers.

Millennials are deeply connected to the internet, with 99% using it daily. Social media is their primary online hub, with 86% engaging on platforms. Most Millennials own an average of 8.4 social media accounts, spending 3.25 hours daily on these platforms. This generation consumes diverse content, from entertainment to news, making them a highly engaged and influential audience.

In this article, we’ll explore the latest Millennials on social media statistics, delving into their favorite platforms, online habits, and the factors driving their engagement.

Millennials On Social Media Statistics(Editor’s Pick)

  • Millennials, the most active social media users and online shoppers spent a staggering $1.4 trillion in consumer spending.
  • 90% of millennials are active on social media, with an average of 3.5 hours spent online daily.
  • 70% of millennials use social media to research products and services before purchasing.
  • A recent eMarketer study revealed that nearly half of American Millennials are active on Instagram.
  • Black Millennials place a higher value on social media in their lives compared to their white counterparts.
  • A survey of U.S. Millennials found that Instagram was the top shopping influence for 31% of women and 25% of men.
  • A significant 55% of Millennials have bought products or services after seeing them promoted on social media.
  • Female Millennials are most likely to follow food, fitness, and beauty bloggers on social media.

General Millennials On Social Media Statistics

  1. Social media usage has surged among Millennials, with nearly three-quarters (72%) reporting an increase in the past year. (Source)
Millennials on Social Media Statistics
  1. Social media is nearly ubiquitous among Millennials, with 95% actively using platforms. (Source)
  2. Always connected, 86% of Millennials use social media daily. (Source)
  3. Millennials, the most active social media users and online shoppers fueled a staggering $1.4 trillion in consumer spending in 2020. (Source)
  4. From the United States to Japan, Millennial consumers across the globe favor social platforms for media consumption. This content’s appeal lies in its bite-sized format, easy accessibility, and personalized nature. (Source)
  5. A vast majority of Millennials (99%) would recommend a company to their network if they had a positive social media connection. (Source)
  6. Social networks are the go-to platform for Millennials when researching products online. (Source)
  7. In the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, and Japan, Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X all favor social media. (Source)
  8. A significant portion of Millennials (33%) share or post on social media daily, while 51% do so weekly. (Source)
  9. Nearly half of Millennials (44%) are open to promoting goods or services on social media in exchange for rewards. (Source)
  10. Globally, Millennials have an impressive average of 8.4 social media accounts. (Source)
  11. Over half of Millennials (60%) have used social media to engage with brands for customer support, either through public posts or private messages. (Source)
  12. Social media is a popular platform for discovering TV and video content among Gen Z (84%) and Millennials (73%). (Source)
  13. Nearly half of Millennials (46%) have turned to social media for customer service assistance. (Source)
  14. Male Millennials are most likely to follow sports stars, entrepreneurs, politicians, comedians, and gaming bloggers on social media. (Source)
Millennials on Social Media Statistics
  1. Female millennials follow the most popular social media accounts of food, fitness, and beauty bloggers. (Source)
  2. Facebook remains the most popular social media platform among Millennials. (Source)
  3. For 34% of Millennials, social media is their primary news source, surpassing online news (25%) and mobile apps (23%). (Source)
  4. By 2027, Gen Z and Millennials will make up over half of all social network users in the United States, totaling 135.5 million. (Source)
  5. While Millennials and Gen Z dominate TikTok’s user base in the United States, they also exhibit the highest levels of loyalty to the platform. (Source)
  6. Traditional advertising has lost credibility among Millennials, with 84% expressing distrust. (Source)
  7. TikTok and YouTube are the preferred platforms for finding relevant content among Millennials, with 61% and 59% respectively. (Source)
  8. Emojis were a staple in 55% of Millennials’ texts and instant messages. (Source)
  9. When flirting or dating, 69% of Millennials reported increased emoji usage. (Source)
  10. A significant portion of Millennials (47%) who use social media believe it has a positive impact on their mental health. (Source)
  11. TikTok has negatively affected the mental health of 37.3% of U.S. Millennials. (Source)
  12. Sports videos on social media are most popular among Gen Z adults (58%), Millennials (59%), and Gen Xers (53%). (Source)
  13. Most Millennials (54%) have signed an online petition. (Source)
  14. Nearly one in five (19%) have taken part in social media campaigns to influence government policies or actions. (Source)
  15. Approximately one in four indicate that social media has motivated them to become more involved in social or political causes (28%) or to donate to online charities (24%). (Source)
Millennials on Social Media Statistics
  1. A recent survey in the United Kingdom revealed that 94% of both Generation Z and Millennials were active on social media platforms in June 2023. (Source)
  2. Most Millennials (68%) desire a consistent, integrated experience across all platforms. (Source)
  3. Black Millennials place a higher value on social media in their lives compared to their white counterparts. (Source)
  4. African American and Latino Millennials are more likely than white Millennials to choose alternative websites to Facebook. (Source)
  5. Millennials spend an average of 2.25 hours per day on social media platforms. (Source)
  6. Young Generation Z and Millennials make up the majority (75%) of heavy social media users, spending five or more hours daily. (Source)
  7. Facebook Stories, Facebook Feed, and YouTube are the most time-consuming platforms for Millennials. (Source)
  8. Millennials are significantly more active on Facebook than older demographics, with 77% daily usage compared to 68% of 35-54-year-olds and 52% of those 55 and over. (Source)
  9. A significant portion of Millennial TikTok users (42%) enjoy being early adopters of new trends, while 45% actively follow the latest technology developments. (Source)
  10. Among young people, Twitter ranks sixth among social networks. Millennials are slightly more likely to use Twitter compared to Generation Z. (Source)
  11. Discord and Roblox are less popular among Millennials, with a notably lower usage rate compared to other platforms. (Source)

Millennial Social Media Shopping Habits (Millennials On Social Media Statistics)

  1. A staggering 94% of Millennials who are moved by Instagram posts take action, with 75% ultimately making a purchase. (Source)
  2. When purchasing decisions, YouTube is the go-to platform for Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X. (Source)
  3. Millennials overwhelmingly prioritize companies that align with their personal beliefs and values. (Source
Millennials on Social Media Statistics
  1. Positive online reviews significantly influence (40%) Millennials’ purchasing decisions, and social media platforms are a key resource for product research. (Source)
  2. Free delivery is the most important factor driving Millennial purchases, followed closely by easy returns policies. (Source)
  3. The majority of Millennials (75%) believe a brand’s social media presence is influential in their purchasing decisions. (Source)
  4. Millennials constantly seek online validation, inspiration, and advice on purchases, including which brands to invest in. (Source)
  5. 55% of Millennials discover new products on Pinterest. (Source)
  6. 26% of Millennials use social media to stay informed about fashion trends. (Source)
  7. Nearly one-third of Millennials prefer to purchase brands they see advertised online. (Source)
  8. For Millennials, in-store discovery is the primary way to find new cosmetics (38%), followed by Instagram ads (34%) and Facebook or YouTube commercials (32%). (Source)
  9. In the United States, 70% of Generation Z and Millennials follow influencers on social media, and one-third of them say these influencers have influenced their buying decisions. (Source)
  10. A significant 82% of Millennials are likely to make an impulse purchase if they see an item they like for the first time. (Source)
  11. Social media has emerged as a key source for Millennial fashion trends, contributing to their estimated $1.4 trillion spending on fashion in 2020. (Source)
  12. Instagram is the primary shopping influence for female Millennials in the U.S., with male Millennials showing a similar preference. (Source)
  13. Younger Millennials are more likely to be influenced by visually-focused platforms like Instagram and TikTok. (Source)
  14. Older Millennials in their 30s and 40s primarily rely on Facebook for shopping inspiration. (Source)

Millennials On Social Media Statistics By Country

  1. In 2020, WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube were more popular than Instagram among Dutch Millennials aged 20 to 39. (Source)
  2. Nearly 90% of Dutch Millennials surveyed used WhatsApp. (Source)
  3. Facebook was also widely used among Dutch Millennials, with 82% of respondents being frequent users. (Source)
  4. Combined, Facebook and WhatsApp had over ten million users in the Netherlands, with 9.1 million and 6.8 million daily active users, respectively. (Source)
  5. In a March 2023 survey, WhatsApp was the most popular social media platform among Spanish Millennials, used by 86% of respondents. (Source)
  6. Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube followed closely behind, with audience reach percentages of 75%, 74%, and 73%, respectively. (Source)
  7. Twitter and TikTok ranked fourth and fifth, both with an audience reach of 82%. (Source)
  8. Nearly half of American Millennials are active on Instagram, according to eMarketer. (Source)
  9. Facebook maintains its lead in social media engagement among Millennials, with between 85% and 89% of them using the platform, depending on their age. (Source)
  10. Snapchat holds the second position in social media engagement. (Source)
  11. 59% of Millennials in the US are active on Instagram. (Source)
  12. Among the target demographic, Snapchat held an 18% market share, while Facebook had a 29% share. (Source)
  13. Twitter accounted for 14% of mobile device usage among college students. (Source)

Conclusion (Millennials On Social Media Statistics)

The latest Millennials on social media statistics paint a vivid picture of a generation that is digitally savvy, socially conscious, and increasingly influential. With over 90% of Millennials active on social media, it’s clear that these platforms have become an integral part of their daily lives. As marketers, entrepreneurs, and businesses, understanding the nuances of Millennials on social media statistics is crucial for crafting effective strategies that resonate with this demographic.

Stay ahead of the curve and make data-driven decisions by keeping a pulse on the latest Millennials on social media statistics your business depends on it.

Millennials on Social Media Statistics

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